How to Improve Sitefinity

Make The System Work For You

What is Sitefinity? Used to manage your website's content, Sitefinity is a content management system (CMS) that provides you with a lot of options to help make the process of creating a robust, results-driven website easier. Sitefinity can be used in a number of different ways such as developing templates for new pages, dynamic modules for quickly creating, deleting or modifying specific types of content, services such as site map generators or search options, and marketing tools that help you to manage your marketing campaigns across multiple delivery options.

Generally speaking, it's one of the most customizable CMS options available for enterprises that allows marketers to make changes to your website instead of having a dedicated professional website designer. This puts control of your website into the hands of those who most need to change your content without requiring a technical degree to manage the process.

However, despite its many advantages, many marketing professionals are faced with a range of significant issues that cause Sitefinity to perform poorly. These are most often caused by inadequate implementation and deployment within your system or the need for more experience of knowledge of the CMS system. When you're facing issues like this, how do you turn a problematic system into a powerful tool to maximize your marketing dollars? How do you get great Sitefinity performance without sacrificing your personal control of the system as a whole?

With over 37 years of experience helping customers make the most of their enterprise software, InGen Technologies focuses on making sure that your marketing department has the right tools to get the job done. We've been helping companies make the most of their Sitefinity CMS for years, delivering quality solutions to help you create an agile, fluid marketing system that delivers powerful results for your business. We've dedicated our expertise to creating a positive catalyst for change in the companies we've served while crafting customized solutions for our clients that deliver actionable results to boost their company's place in the digital market.


It's easy to get caught up in trying to keep up with all of the changes happening in the digital marketing world. Many companies have made the switch to Sitefinity, installing the platform before having a solid idea of what the platform is capable of. This leaves their marketing professionals in a free-fall while trying to figure out the Sitefinity features of the new CMS. In many cases, this is due to the fact that the system was set up without optimizing performance for your company's needs or Sitefinity best practices in mind. These issues can leave your marketing team in a state of gridlock, unable to move projects forward due to lack of Sitefinity training and knowledge. Now that you have this CMS, what can you do to improve its overall performance?

InGen's dedication to helping customers leverage Sitefinity's powerful tools for enterprise websites can help you reap the benefits of this powerful CMS system. Here's a quick look at how we can help you optimize your Sitefinity website, no matter where you are in the process:

  • Just getting started? We can handle your Sitefinity installation from the very beginning, optimizing your performance on both the front- and back-end of your website. Our certified system architects help you develop the right configurations to best meet your company's needs.
  • Have a shiny, new Sitefinity system and don't know what to do with it? We can provide you with Sitefinity training to get the most out of your system.
  • Fighting issues with your Sitefinity system? Think Sitefinity has slow performance? We can help you optimize your system to deliver superior performance and functionality without all of the frustration.
  • Not using Sitefinity to its full potential? We can help you integrate Sitefinity to work with your other systems, streamlining your workflow.
  • Bogged down with Sitefinity management? InGen can take over management, updates and security so you can focus on what really matters.

Sitefinity can do a lot for your business, but only if you're able to use it effectively. InGen Technologies is an expert at improving Sitefinity by helping you integrate it effectively with your enterprise website. We help you work more effectively by delivering a website that just works, giving you more time in your day to solve company problems instead of IT issues.


InGen has extensive experience helping businesses like yours turn their Sitefinity installation into what it's meant to be - a powerful tool to help you leverage your company's content to the benefit of the business.

But what sets InGen apart from other creative software firms that deal with Sitefinity? To start, we have extensive experience in the industry. We've been working to help companies improve their websites and technical backbone for over 37 years, so we've seen a lot of issues that can arise during an installation and configuration. Next, you'll want to take a look at our partnerships, which include being a Sitefinity Elite partner. This means that we've got unique qualifications to understand exactly what Sitefinity is, how to best undertake a Sitefinity performance optimization, how the platform will impact your other systems, and how to serve as a Sitefinity upgrade guide. We can answer all of your questions so that you can take this powerful tool and turn it into a powerhouse for improving your company's performance on the internet.

Though many companies do a great deal of work with Sitefinity, the work that they perform can impact your company's other digital assets. InGen has a vast number of partnerships with other tech firms as well, which means that our experts understand not only how to undertake a Sitefinity upgrade project, but also how that project will impact all of your other systems. Progress, Azure, Gold Microsoft, SiteImprove and many more companies have worked out partnerships with InGen, giving us unsurpassed expertise in your Sitefinity installation, configuration, or upgrade.

When you work with InGen, you can provide as much or as little direct work with the process as you desire. Want to learn how to manage the entire system? We can help with that. Need someone to do all of the management so that all you need to do is update your content? We can do that, too. Let us know what your level of comfort and time investment will be, and we'll create a customized plan to help you get the most out of your Sitefinity upgrade or installation. We can also provide you with health checks and website audits to help you improve areas you may not have considered.

Whether you have a current Sitefinity website that just isn't performing as you would like or if you'd like to add Sitefinity to your company's digital toolkit but don't know where to start, the experienced professionals at InGen can help you get on track to leverage Sitefinity for your company's content management needs. By working with an established, experienced Sitefinity partner like InGen, you're able to get all of your marketing team working from a single platform, saving time and money while they get your company's message out to prospects around the world.

When you work with a properly configured Sitefinity platform, you can quickly and easily integrate your website's visitor interactions across many touchpoints and channels in a single customer journey database. With dynamic architecture on top of every application you use within the platform, optimizing your websites and cutting down on the overall hardware is needed to keep them operational.

If you prefer to keep maintenance down to a minimum, cloud-hosted Sitefinity can help drastically reduce the amount of time you spend in maintenance and updates, allowing you to put that time into what you do best - running your company. Scalability is simple with Sitefinity, allowing you to quickly grow with demand when a blog post, product or deliverable goes viral, handling up to 1,200 page views every second. Customize your marketing workflows to allow your creatives to focus on improving your message instead of keeping up with paperwork. By undertaking customized Sitefinity development, you can take the platform from a good tool for CMS to a powerful tool that moves your entire company into the best version of itself. Your business can go there, and InGen is the vessel that will transport you.

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