Expanded and improved review and approval workflow. With the new options, you can define workflows up to 3 levels deep for an arbitrary set of pages or content types, tied to a specific site or language. An editor can add a summary note when submitting for a review, which is provided both in a notification email to approvers and in a sidebar, based on the history of the item. Notifications are improved across the board (submissions, approvals, and rejections). Reviewers with skip privileges can now reject content as well. Learn more...<
Improvements in the concurrent editing of multilingual content enable editor teams to work on translations of the same content simultaneously, as now Sitefinity locks the content items individually for each language. Additionally, related content items can also be translated concurrently, directly from the content editor. Learn more...
The new content creation UI now fully supports RTL languages (Arabic and others), automatically adjusts the alignment, and even allows mixing RTL and LTR languages in the same phrase, with custom alignment. Learn more...
The new content UI now supports content location search, to help analyze where on a site a specific content item is used or referenced. Learn more...
Distributed Cache (using Redis, MemCache, SQL Server, AWS DyanoDB) significantly improves the performance of your Sitefinity website in NLB configurations. The cached content will decrease startup time of any of the Sitefinity servers and will enable organizations to scale up faster with additional web servers decreasing the warm-up time. Learn more...
All Sitefinity servers in Network load balancing (NLB) will now share the same ETag, to improve the performance of content delivery. Learn more...
Support for Bootstrap 4. All the goodies in Bootstrap 4 are now available to Sitefinity frontend developers. In addition, Bootstrap 4 resource package includes accessibility improvements, like better keyboard and screen readers support. Frontend assets build infrastructure uses npm scripts instead of Grunt. Image sprites are replaced with Font Awesome solid SVG icon sprites. We will continue to support Bootstrap 3. Learn more...
The System Status Widget on the Sitefinity dashboard displays critical system errors related to NLB setup and Site Sync , thus enabling IT Administrators (Admin roles) to quickly detect and troubleshoot issues. Learn more...
The Open ID connector improvements enable IT Administrators to map external authentication provider claims such as email, first name, and last name to Sitefinity users. Learn more... This enables support for Azure AD and Azure AD B2B, and in some scenarios - for Azure AD B2C. The email address can now be set as optional via the mandatory email address setting. The setting is applicable only for authentication with external providers, such as Facebook, Google, and Azure AD. Learn more...
The geolocation database is updated to the latest version (GeoLite2 City), which ensures continuous service as the vendor updated their databases. Learn more...
Personalization by query string uses URL parameters of the request to effectively deliver specific content to visitors, based on sources of page visits and campaigns. Learn more...
Analyze the impact of your website content by tracking content touchpoints in Sitefinity CMS. Understand which content items have the biggest impact on conversion rates and focus and optimize your marketing efforts. Learn more...
Get more relevant search result utilizing the improved Azure search. Now the search results are ordered based on @score parameter.
Control whether content age is considered when Lucene search @score is calculated. Learn more...
Enhanced control of your website crawling process by search engines. Public user comments are now screened and a rel="nofollow" attribute is appended for specific outgoing links that are not part of the website domain. Learn more...
Ability to enable and disable OpenGraph properties on widget level, enabling control over the order of loading OpenGraph properties. Learn more... Ability to enable and disable SEO meta title and meta description on widget level, enabling control over the order of loading SEO properties. Learn more...
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