How Sitefinity Reduces Operational Costs


Anybody out there looking to lower their organization's operational costs? Probably, there's a lot of you. Everyone is looking to cut costs without cutting quality‚Äîthat's the important part. It's one thing to accomplish the job as cheaply as possible, but it's quite another to find success with a perfect blend of efficiency and efficacy.  

Here's how Sitefinity can reduce your operating costs. 

A Single Platform

Is your marketing team bouncing between multiple platforms to do their job? Martech costs can skyrocket as you add more and more tools for various marketing tasks. Consolidate more than a few tools when you use Sitefinity as your content management system (CMS). Sitefinity can be your marketing command center with powerful, easy-to-use tools and capabilities.

With Sitefinity Insight, integrate visitor interaction data across multiple channels and touchpoints‚ÄîCRM, marketing automation systems, web, mobile, and more, one central customer journey database. 

If your business has or needs multisites, then saving with Sitefinity is a no-brainer.  Because its architecture is on top of a single application, it cuts down the hardware resources needed for hosting the sites. The more sites you add, the more you will benefit from optimization.

Centralized control of all websites and assets through multisite management will not only save you hardware costs but labor costs as well. Without a way to manage multiple sites under one rood, think of all the time wasted on ensuring that all the sites have unified content, formatting, and design. 


One of the biggest benefits of hosting Sitefinity on the cloud is taking infrastructure maintenance and support off your company's plate. Sitefinity from Progress would be responsible for maintaining the overall infrastructure, including the health, performance, and security of the platform and your website.

A fully managed infrastructure means that the vendor is taking care of any issues so that you can reduce your IT team's workload. Without a break/fix model of infrastructure, IT can focus their time and efforts on their list of projects, which let's face it, is never-ending. Managing your website's infrastructure is a full-time job, and it makes sense for the organization that developed it to be the one making sure everything is up-to-date and running smoothly.

A reduced infrastructure management overhead gives your organization's budget a break or allows resources to be put to more productive use. For example, your organization could engage an organization like InGen to develop custom analytics, processes, or other elements that will allow your site to offer even more value to your users. 


If you've ever mastered a platform, only to find that you need to switch to something else the bigger you get, then you understand the frustration of unscalable technology. The time and effort spent learning one technology are suddenly wasted when you reach its threshold. 

Choose a platform that scales with your business instead of limiting it. With Sitefinity Cloud, your site can handle up to 1200 page views per second. So your site won't crash (costing you money) when traffic spikes. 

Plus, with its handy auto scale technology, you're not paying for more bandwidth than you need at any given time. The infrastructure ensures site availability, speed, and reliability. You can manually specify the number of instances your website runs on or set up autoscale rules based on predefined conditions. Handle traffic spikes with ease, so you never miss an opportunity to engage with your audience.

Custom Workflows

Enterprise website content that gets stuck in an inefficient workflow can cost your organization time and money. Content that slips through the cracks and is published late or not at all means that your audience isn't getting the most up-to-date information that could lead to sales. 

With Sitefinity, you can streamline your marketing workflows by using a single platform with documented processes. Sitefinity offers pre-made workflows, or you can upload your own workflow. Create tailored workflows that fit your team's level of review, content type, or multisites.

Jumping from tool to tool can be overwhelming and inefficient. With Sitefinity, everything is exactly where you need it to be so you don't have to jump from email to text to project management tool. Plus, you'll have better control to create a workflow that works well for you and your team.

A Flexible Development Platform

Sitefinity out of the box is pretty awesome, but when you pair it with custom development, it's incredible. By providing an open and extensible architecture, the Sitefinity platform makes it easy to build even the most sophisticated custom experiences and integrations. 

Teaming up with custom developers like those at InGen can mold Sitefinity into the perfect fit for you and your end-users. 

If you're using Sitefinity, but you can't seem to get it to work for you instead of against you, our web professionals can help simplify your world through a proven, time-tested process that optimizes your software, leading to clarity and measurable improvements in team efficiencies and business growth. 

Get a free site assessment today to get actionable insights.

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