Why Modernize your Progress OpenEdge Application?


I have worked in the Progress OpenEdge world since 1989, which is a long-time. And while I had a great journey selling cutting-edge software, that same software has become dependable legacy software. Having been involved with over 1000 projects over the years, I know what customers face now. Why should I modernize this application? Better yet, how do I modernize this application?


What is modernization?

Modernization is the process used to ensure an application or system is on the most up-to-date version of its platform software and that the UI/UX is visually appealing and keeping with current design trends. It's not a one-time event, though; it's an ever-evolving series of actions that ensure that OpenEdge technology can deliver the latest functionality and user experiences available. Modernization doesn't just involve the backend of an OpenEdge application; it also includes the front-end user experience as well.


Modernization sounds vaguely expensive when we think about it - like remodeling an old house. Modernization is NOT just a visual facelift to a clean interface. Modernizing can involve moving to the cloud or containerizing the application for easier maintenance and modular development. It could also mean shifting to new hardware, operating systems, and architecture for more modern availability and reliability.


How do you start modernizing?

Modernization can be a daunting process, and the fact that you are probably looking at an application that is more than 20 years old doesn't help. The first thing you will need is a deep dive review of the entire system. This review should show you all the inputs, batch processes, interfaces to other systems, and OS commands included in your current system. From that point, you will know exactly what has made this application work so nicely for all these years and what areas should be improved.


Once the deep dive is complete and the architecture reviewed, you can now decide whether or not to upgrade hardware, OpenEdge versions, and/or move to PAS for OpenEdge. This process is something you may want to complete in phases. So what should you start with? If you are running an outdated version of OpenEdge (anything before 11.7), you are in dire need of an upgrade. Upgrading your installation to the most current version can not only be useful because it will protect your system from security risks, but it will also make new features available to you. Along with updating to the latest version of OpenEdge (currently 12.2 or 12.4), you may want to migrate to PAS for OpenEdge. This type of server option can open so many doors for upgrade and modernization that it shouldn't be ignored as a possibility.


Finally, you will want to decide what to update visually. Our suggestion is to pick an application set, module, or customer-facing screens that significantly impact your customers' or users' impressions. Then start small and complete a proof of concept.


The InGen Approach

As I mentioned, modernization can be a vast, heavy project to undertake. The InGen approach to modernization is to split it into smaller, digestible chunks so that elements are updated correctly and without flaws. Along the way, we enable your team to do as much of the project as possible. This approach helps to save organizations money in the long run. It also helps your organization to have a clear, concise vision of what you want your OpenEdge project to be.


Contact us today to start your road to modernization. We'd love to work with you.

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